Learn key history and physical tips from leading doctors.

This means you better recognize clinical conditions when your patient's condition is getting worse, and become a better team member to provide the best care possible for your patient.

Earn CNE Credit. Anywhere. Anytime.

We have over 45 hours of continuing education available and provide certificates of completion!

Lessons-that-Stick with Animations

Our lessons are designed to be consumed and remembered at the bedside or in clinic. This means you can easily fit the lessons into your busy schedule!

What nurses say about NursingSKL:


RN, Belleville

"Very practical clinical pearls that I’ve done by the bedside. I find the content very engaging."

Amber Kirkwood

RN, Ottawa

"Great to have certificates to show the college that I have done the courses. The lessons, with their animations, are fun to do!"

Jeannine Calderon

RN, Belleville

"So easy to squeeze them in between patients. Just did the Diabetes module earlier today."

What's waiting for you inside

Specialty 1: Psychiatry

In this module you’ll learn how outstanding clinicians diagnose and manage common Psychiatric conditions and how you can add significant value to your patients suffering from a mental health challenge.

  • Practicum 1: Addictions/Substance Abuse

  • Practicum 2: Anxiety Disorders

  • Practicum 3: Depressed Mood

  • Practicum 4: Psychosis

  • Practicum 5: Anorexia Nervosa

  • Practicum 6: Mania/Hypomania

  • Practicum 7: Suicidal Behaviour

Specialty 2: Eyes and Primary Care

In this module you’ll learn how outstanding clinicians diagnose and manage common common conditions that present in the eyes and primary care settings, and how you can add significant value to your patients suffering from eye and primary care conditions.

  • Practicum 1: Acute Visual Loss

  • Practicum 2: Otalgia

  • Practicum 3: Breast Discharge

  • Practicum 4: Tinnitus

  • Practicum 5: Eye Redness

  • Practicum 6: Concept of Health and its Determinants

  • Practicum 7: Outbreak Control

  • Practicum 8: Hearing Loss

Specialty 3: Neurology

In this module you’ll learn how outstanding clinicians diagnose and manage common problems that present in the Neurology clinic, and how you can add significant value to your patients suffering from these conditions.

  • Practicum 1: Dementia

  • Practicum 2: Headache

  • Practicum 3: Numbness, Tingling, and Altered Sensation

  • Practicum 4: Weakness, Paralysis, Paresis, and Loss of Motion

  • Practicum 5: Status Epilepticus

  • Practicum 6: Parkinson’s Disease

Specialty 4: Gastroenterology

In this module you’ll learn how outstanding clinicians diagnose and manage common conditions that present in the Gasteroenterology Clinic, and how you can add significant value to your patients suffering from common GI conditions.

  • Practicum 1: Dysphagia

  • Practicum 2: Nausea and Vomiting

  • Practicum 3: Acute Non-Traumatic Abdominal Pain

  • Practicum 4: Chronic Abdominal Pain

  • Practicum 5: Acute Diarrhea

  • Practicum 6: Constipation

Specialty 5: Oncology and Internal Medicine

In this module you’ll learn how outstanding clinicians diagnose and manage common Oncology and Internal Medicine conditions, and how you can add significant value to your patients suffering from these common conditions.

  • Practicum 1: Lymphadenopathy

  • Practicum 2: Diabetes Mellitus

  • Practicum 3: Anemia

  • Practicum 4: Polyarticular Pain

  • Practicum 5: Breast Lump, Breast Cancer Screening

  • Practicum 6: Acute Renal Failure

  • Practicum 7: Hematuria

  • Practicum 8: Lower GI Bleed

Specialty 6: Women’s Health

In this module you’ll learn how outstanding clinicians diagnose and manage common Women’s Health Issues, and how you can add significant value to your patients suffering from these common conditions.

  • Practicum 1: Abnormal Vagina Bleeding

  • Practicum 2: Contraception

  • Practicum 3: Dysmenorrhea

  • Practicum 4: Menopause

  • Practicum 5: Pelvic Pain

  • Practicum 6: Vaginal Discharge/Vulvar Pruritis

Specialty 7: Cardiology

In this module you’ll learn how outstanding clinicians diagnose and manage common Cardiology conditions, and how you can add significant value to your patients suffering from these common conditions.

  • Practicum 1: Cardiac Arrest

  • Practicum 2: Chest Pain

  • Practicum 3: Palpitations

  • Practicum 4: Dyslipidemia

  • Practicum 5: Hypertension

  • Practicum 6: Guide to Abnormal Heart Sounds and Murmurs

Start My FREE 1-hr CNE Practicum


  • No Prerequisites

  • $0 Application Fee

  • Leading Professors

  • Designed for Busy Professionals

  • Access to ALL 45+ classes

  • Certificates of Completion

Take the Next Step in Your Career
  • Unlimited access to 45+ online courses (value $1450)

  • We store your certificates so no more files in your drawer (value $199)

  • 24/7 access to all materials online

  • 45+ courses

  • 24/7 customer service

(billed annually)

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The Cost of Inaction

Where will you be 30, 60, or 90 days from now?

By joining NursingSKL - you will learn diagnostic and management pearls from leading clinicians.

This means you will become very confident in your discussions with doctors and your patients.

Will it take some hard work and dedicated focus? Of course it will. But aren’t a few weeks or months of work worth becoming a confident nurse who provides excellent care to your patients?

That’s what’s waiting for you. That’s what’s on the other side of this program.

And instead of doing your usual CNE at your hospital provided by your local rounds, come learn from world-class educators who have developed “lessons-that-stick” for you.

You could simply invest in a NursingSKL membership for under $1.50 USD a day. You'll get tips and clinical pearls from 45+ leading doctors. You'll get access to clinical courses in 7 Specialties: Neurology, Eyes and Primary Care, Gastroenterology, Psychiatry, Oncology and Internal Medicine, Cardiology, and Women’s Health.

Additionally, your NursingSKL membership qualifies as a tax-deductible expense under the continuous education category, so you can write it off come tax time, in good conscience.